
目前显示的是 一月, 2012的博文

Say goodbye to 2011, Say welcome to 2012 :)

Happy New Year Happy New Year Happy New Year Welcome To 2012 Forget all those bad things of 2011 and receive a Hope from 2012 希望在2011年所發生的壞事、醜事都能雲霄雲散! 2012 歡飲光臨


Before, my long hair. After, my short hair. 在第二張照片看來 我肥了 臉圓圓的 但是我卻蠻喜歡這張照片的 不知道為什麼 哈哈 我的長發已經跟我說了再見 我真的很想念他 雖然他重重的 但是卻很好玩 @@ 原諒我在一氣之下,把你剪掉 /.\

Merry Christmas ! :目

Merry Christmas to everyone ! 聖誕節,我和家人去了雲頂 當天的我很沒mood 沒拍照!><" 咳 說一下當天在雲頂所做過的事吧 就簡簡單單地說一點唄 當天我和妹妹各買了一件衣服 因為有discount,所以價錢很便宜下,哈哈 走著,走著... 我們就進去機場了! 大概用了 RM 80 來打機 @@ 有夠力到! 結果到最後我們才獲得300張票根,換取 RM 7.50 可是這 RM 7.50 能換到什麼禮物嘛 沒辦法 只好收著等下次來玩的時候再加起來咯 /.\ 由於我不敢玩這個遊戲 所以就只好在旁邊偷拍了 哈哈 他們玩得好認真 /.\ 當天去雲頂的look 不過這照片是在姑姑家拍的 這,也是我最後一張長發照片 ><"

PMR result.

I have to admit that i was tension before having my PMR result ! Why? I don't have an accurate answer for this. I know, I am tension because i was no confident to my result. 『 The greater the HOPE, The greater the DISAPPOINTED 』 Just like my UPSR result ! It's same. I try all my best in my UPSR exam, i was so confident to this and i never worry, because i think i can do that. But, it's false ! I lost all my confident when i get my result. Somebody tells me:When you are confident, please remember to think about if you are failed. When you are not confident, please remember to think about the future. How will you face to the audience. I remembered this sentence. Gradually close the day. I see more tension. I almost cry in front my friends, my family. My tears drop on the keyboard, when i was playing games. I have no choice, I have to face it. It's time to take my result. My PMR result. Leong Shue Yee Bahasa Melayu - B Bahasa English - A Ma...

MRC KL trip :D

16.12.2011 I was join a trip when i was working in MRC. We had a KL Trip on this day. We went Planetarium , Museum, Vitagen Factory, 3M 報 Factory ... Well, i am speechless to this trip. So, just skip to the photos. When we are in the museum. Some of us, When we are in the museum <3 Wei Ling and me Weng Jian When we are in the Planetarium.     This is the ladder.. So long ! They are working! See how BRAVE they are !


恭喜恭喜恭喜  我 嘻嘻 真的有開心到 一連20天的工作日子終於捱過去了 我不是不享受 而是覺得太讓人勞累了 這20天以後 認真地照照鏡子 啊 我老了 /.\ 不知道是因為快過年了 還是因為我憔悴了 不管是怎麼樣 我都不想 我不想變老啦 ><" 說我老,好聽的話就叫作   成熟。 最近一直在回想 我的中學生涯已經過了第二階段 在這三年裡 我有什麼值得留戀的事? 我嘴裡說,沒有。 但我感覺到 我內心深處再告訴我:其實有很多。 我,真的憔悴了許多。


好久沒上來這裡耗了 不知道該怎麼做了 今天 隨便地更改了背景 覺得好醜哦 咳 就先頂住檔啦 哈哈 開學後再請教 MS. MEILI 幫我。 希望你會很樂意地說:我願意。 由於有很多帖子都沒寫 所以接下來的帖子都是之前所發生的事。 原諒我,我不是故意的。