1st Day of my Holiday

Today, Monday.

My First Day of the school holiday.

Some of my friends have planning for this holiday.
But how about me?

0hh no..
My time has FULL.

Do you know what activities i will take in this 2 weeks holidays?
Haha, I think you know it..

Yea.. My time Full of tuision..

In this 14 days..
I have to tuision 13 days..
(If that is no change)

Well, My beloved brothers...
Both of them back to hometown in this week!
Congratulations for me..:D

Long time no see!

Well, this 1st day is so..... BORING..
Seen nothing to do?
No, I have 2 parts of tuition..
Morning and Night..
How come i will feel Boring here?

I also don't know.. How can i get the answer?
Would you tell me?

Anyway, I have to continue my boring study life in this holiday!




