Sport day


School Sport Day

actually this sport day was not interesting or meaningful for me
i didn't help anything in this sport day
except the matching of prefect
i'm not willing to do this


at the beginning, i was very willing to help
but something happened
someone put my name into the matching list of prefect
and that's not my business actually
because the head prefect told me that i am not suppose to match and also my place
then why my name will in the list ?
i hope i will not bother it
but someone again say rudely to me
ohh no
you stepped on my tail !

Thursday, i was absent.
Friday, someone told me i should match
i asked why, but no answer.
Sunday, i go to the matching practice
the head told me i can reject to match
wow, fantastic babe !!
this sentence make me confuse
after the practice
i knew the ins and outs of the WHY

if you ask me well , maybe i will willing to help and replace your name
but what did you do for me
i felt disappointed and i was being angry
it's doesn't matter because i think we're friends !
but now seen you just take me like a fool

sorry for this post
i am just vent my feeling

and the other one
i have something wanna to tell you here
although you will not see this
please think carefully before you make a decide or helping someone as kind
your action will show you kind and evil
like this case




