Well, first when you see the title , WHAT do you think?
Do you think i'm talking to my beloved ?
Someone who is my BOYFRIEND or WHO ?

Actually , I'm saying this to all my beloved FRIENDS and FAMILY !

First I wanna to appreciate about is JASMINE ♥

She is my best friend i think .
I never met someone like her .
She lighten up my life ! My new life !

I still remember the first time we met ..
That was a horrible night for me !
That was also the first time i went to Zakaria's tuition .
She is the one i can recognize in FB .
But we are not friends and also the others.

She asked me to go tuition together for the following days .
I agree about it and we start our friendship . ( A strange friendship )
This happened last year . The whole year .
We never talk in the whole year !
Whatever i'm in her house or we are in the same car ..
So, how do you imagine that we can be friend with this condition ?

Laughing **

The actual friendship between me and this cutie girl was on 5th of January in 2012.
How can i so remembered about this ?! I'm always forget about my things.
But i did it and i will do it so.
SHE really become my friend start from that day .
We go tuition together . She always sit by my side . We wait bus together . She always did the stupid action for me .
This is what a real friend indeed .
Although we came from different school , we live far ..
We still can be the best friend for each other .

She can understand what i wanna to share out and she always make me smile .
Although i never felt that is funny -.-
At once she try to make me smile , i will always smile to her .
She really become the part of my life and i always imagine that she is the only one .

Be fine , HERE ...

I wanna to tell this stupid cutie JASMINE :

Welcome to my life and i feel great that you are always be my side .
You can call me out anytime , i will stand by for you !
Girl , be patient to see this post until here , i know you will done it !

Well, now .. i can't imagine what her face when she saw this post -.-

Now , is the turn for the second .

Oscar WJ !

He is the one who can understand my language and always laugh at me .
But , he is kind to me . And he always take care about me .

Well, i can't deny that i really know him from FB and via someone's introduction .
Laugh **
We had become friends for 3 years and we never met !
Can you imagine again ?
Haha , that's what we did !
By the way , we meet in August of this year .
And that's only a short moment .
I don't know what the feelings i can share , because ...
I let this guy staying alone in the place and i just have fun with others ..
He wait me for three hours ! And he never scold me and he said he understand .

Actually , i can't imagine that someone can wait me until 3 hours and that guy never felt angry . But disappointed ! =D

For him , i have nothing to say .
He is really important for me and i can promise that i will always be his side ! haha .
Although he always play fool on me .
But , It's okay :)

So, i will appreciate him to join my life .
As my brother , give me a lots of advise and scolding .

I knew, that's the way he show me how much he cares about me ♥

** Sorry , i have no photos of him :(  **

And for just now , Aron WQ .

This guy , i just know him for few weeks but i can sure that he is kind enough .
He put on all the responsibility on himself and just because the word < BROTHER .
He really cares about his friends and who he know .
He try his best to help his friend and make trouble for himself .
How pity he is .
I don't know how to subscribe this man .
Just , he is a very kind person and i always call him like : kind man .

Well, he is just finished talking on phone with me .
The ones who can let me to talk until no ends .
Laugh **
He is so pity !
By the way , glad to meet you and know you .

He is the one who dares to tell me the truth .
Thanks . :)

** No photos about him , we are new friends .  **

And the others . Thanks alot that all of you are always be my side .
The ones i didn't mention , is not because of you are not important for me but the two above are the person i needed for now .

I never get this feelings and finally i got it ! ♥

Thanks all of you .

The ones I love and the ones who love me .

No photo for these day , ugly pic -.-

The ends , NiteZ ! <3




