
Today, i have my dinner with my beloved friends and also some elder...
We have our dinner in a restaurant which is in Raub..
After tuision in Ruan, i just go meet Selina and wait her to start our "journey" to restaurant..

As we reach the restaurant... We see many birds flying above our HEAD..haha^^
Then.. We are having our dinner happily...

Just a simple dinner, i can get many feelings from them...
I don't know how to describe what i felt..
But... I know how i get HAPPY during eating with friends...
I scare... i scare that are no chance again to have the simple happy dinner with them...

0hh...Tell me... What can i do? Should i take a note and remember the feelings tonight or just remind them to call me have dinner with them next time?

I don't know...  Who can help me to solve this?

LOL...this is just my simple crazy question...haha~

Having a nice dinner tonight__





