
End my holiday and start my school life again
But i haven't end my holiday's heart
It is still playing with the fun
But all these have to end and forget
Because i had wasted my time
I will lost everything if i don't want to change my attitude start from now
Just because of this simple reason,
I change my stupid life.

I am willing to go to the infernal, that's mean.. hell.
There is a very quiet place and there is always in the silence.
I know, i know what am i doing...
I stop all of my entertained activity
And just start my study life
I always be with my books
Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night, Midnight...
Whenever i will be there,
I will be my books together ...
I accept my life
I accept my choice

Without my favorite ...
Without my lovely belongings ...

With my boring ...
With my studying ...

I will keep effort on it
I will try my best to all of you ...
I know, somebody are giving me a great expectation ...
I try, i try to get the best result from me
But, sorry ...
I can't do that ....

I promise
I promise to myself ...

No FACEBOOK but only BOOKS !




