People around.

Some people may think that I'm a difficult person where that's too hard to approach me personally without any proper planning. Instead I am thinking of myself was a very easy person. People look you t the edge that where they stand, but not the angle of you present. Pretend to be a person they like, practice to be a character which people wish you to be. Life isn't going well unless you really work hard for it. It's around 224 days that I have study the course of Anthropology and Sociology, which to study people, I mean human as well. Firstly I never think of I will get this course and also never think of what will it be if I go for this, But now I see, it really can change someone's mind. As studying in this course, I used to study how people think, why people think on this, that or whatever, and what they think about this world. If you ask me, what's the most difficult creature in this world? My answer would be : HUMAN.

I'm feeling small when I approach to some people that I ever know. When I stand in front of a bunch of people, I feel like I can't breathe and survive for the next second. It might be nervous, tension, or even no confident maybe? I am small. Distractions come over when feeling low about yourself and you don't think you have to make some different on it. People around will always SHARE out their opinions or judgment instead to tell you what they want to have from you. They would tell you that what they said is just want you to be better or even better. But do you think that's really for your won good? What I think was people's judgment can kill a person actually. We are always busy in reconstructing ourselves to be a better person in others' eyes. But how do we feel, did anyone think about your actual feeling instead of keep TEACHING you how to behave? I may a stubborn person on insisting my thought on it: I will keep doing what I think, I feel that's right and I have to do, but not change my mind just because of someone told me about something. In the past, I used to keep changing myself to attract more people to like me. But I realized that there was no one respect me even though I tried hard to be the person they like maybe. Instead, when I start changing to be more independent in the community, meaning I don't want to rely on them that much anymore, yes, they started to respect me and stay along with me. i cannot sure that what they said or behave are sincere, but for that moment we stayed up together, it's great.

No one wants to be alone. As a human being, we should interact with other creatures in this world especially human. Someone hurt you will makes you become stronger, someone loves you will makes you become better, someone hate you will makes you become even better. We need every single person that appeared in our life, without them, we are incomplete. There's too much stories in my life at this age. Well, is it good or over? I wish I would not have more stories like the past start from now, what stories and memories I need is those amazing experiences and happy lovely stories. It might be memorable or touchable. Memories always make people feel touch as it had been past a long time ago. Once I'm still breathing, I hope that I can spend more time to contribute myself in this world. I don't need people to remember me after years even when I passed away one day. I just hope that something I did was that good enough can be continuously spread to the future. I am not that grand with a big big hope, it's just a thought where I hope that I can really did something good for anything.

Always think that you have no tomorrow, so please stay happy for today, every today.

Life is just once, and chances for everything is also once, nothing duplicate in this world, including you and me :)

I don'y know who am I in your eyes. Maybe you told me, but what if I don't agree with you? I will try to talk nicely with you for the first time and will just let it be for the coming nonsense that you keep talking. It would be nonsense as I don't know what's the point and reasons for you to think that so. If the reasons are acceptable, yes I will try to make myself become better and think about it, but if the reasons you stated are kidding me, I will just ignore you and continue with what I think that is no problem. I would be a good listener if you have any comments on me, but with reasons and evidences please, if not how can I know what's the problem of mine? Well, that is what I always wish to have from people around me, instead of judging.

Love who you met, Appreciate what you have, Thank to your past and present. This is LIFE.





